Friday, September 14, 2012


I'm falling in love with this city. Every street-corner, every row of colorful balconies, every coffeeshop (which are called bars here, by the way, so when I go to the Corner Bar, I'm getting my caffeine hit of the day), and every bus stop is simply promising. I can't wait to explore the variety of districts and begin eating in those family-run restaurants and street-side cafés that look so inviting!

Even our coursework is promising. We'll study Italian Cinema--Cinema Paradiso is on for Monday afternoon! I'm excited to peruse the Aeneid and Danté's Inferno as well, and I can't even explain how badly I want to know Italian at this point. 

As promising as the city and the studies are, I know for a fact that this entire semester will quickly disintegrate without God's loving care and protection. And this afternoon, something beautiful happened. 

It began to pour this afternoon. It's funny how exciting mundane things can be when you're in a new place--it was ok that we were soaked because it was with Italian rain! (We can go a little over-the-top sometimes..). When the sun finally emerged in the late afternoon, I grabbed my camera as I headed to the terrace that overlooks the convent gardens. 

This is quickly becoming my favorite spot, for obvious reasons. 

...this is where I live! :) 

...these umbrella pines surround our home and also line the avenues in Rome. They are definitely one of my favorite things so far. Gorgeous, tall, and regal-looking.

So I was enjoying the skyline and the sun revealing itself, when I spotted this:

No, not the antenna--look directly to the right of it. Ok, I know, it's tiny, and you can't even really see it, but every color is there, from Red to Violet. It's a rainbow! 

"And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh" (Genesis 9:12-14)

I'm so thankful for the comforting reminder of God's presence and eternal covenant. It's beautiful and a gentle reminder that I serve a God over ALL creation, including Rome. 

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